Tour of Lucignano

Guided tour of the historic village of Lucignano

The tour takes place in half a day


  Maximum duration 3 hours

  Difficulty: easy route

Tour description

Lucignano small village in Val di Chiana, one of the most extraordinary examples of medieval town planning precisely for its elliptical shape with circumcentric road rings, which has come down to us intact over the centuries, so much so that in January 2020 it was nominated and awarded among the most beautiful villages in Italy .

The “rich street” and the “poor street”, the street of the noble palaces and the street of the simplest houses where even the shops of artisans colored the streets in medieval times. Lucignano stands on a strategic hill since the times of the Etruscans and then Romans.

From Porta San Giusto with the Medici coat of arms that dominates it, we will enter and begin the visit among small squares, picturesque alleys and parts of what were the ancient tower-houses.

We will reach “La Rocca” which is located right along the walls, the Logge del Mercato, the Collegiate Church of San Michele Arcangelo and the picturesque Piazzetta del Tribunale with the Church of San Francesco with its partly well-preserved frescoes such as the Triumph of Death di Bartolo di Fredi, Palazzo Pretorio seat of the small but important Museum where one of the most precious reliquaries of the territory is kept: the Tree of Life.

The small village preserves a peaceful and serene image where agricultural and artisan traditions offer the visitor typical products of the territory; from extra virgin olive oil to tasty honey.

Highlights of the tour

  • Porta San Giusto
  • La Rocca
  • Church of San Francesco
  • Museum of Lucignano (tickets by reservation)

All tours are very flexible and can be adapted to meet individual needs and their respective interests, for example groups, pilgrimage, associations and individuals.

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